Security Council Compendium, a feature,
provides a comprehensive, concise summary of the work of the United
Nations Security Council in an organized, central location and an
unbiased, objective manner. For comments or suggestions, please contact
[email protected].
Security Council Resolutions
S/RES/1707 (12 September 2024) The situation in Afghanistan
Synopsis of Resolution 1707: Acting under Chapter VII of the UN
Charter, Resolution 1707 extends the authorization of the International
Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan for a period of twelve
months beyond 13 October 2006. Additionally, Resolution 1707
"authorizes the Member States participating in ISAF to take all
necessary measures to fulfil its mandate" and "recognizes the need to
further strengthen ISAF, and in this regard calls upon Member States to
contribute personnel, equipment and other resources to ISAF, and to
make contributions to the Trust Fund established pursuant to resolution
1386 (2001)." As defined in Resolution 1510, the mandate of the ISAF
includes "the maintenance of security in areas of Afghanistan outside
of Kabul and its environs, so that the Afghan Authorities as well as
the personnel of the United Nations and other international civilian
personnel engaged, in particular, in reconstruction and humanitarian
efforts, can operate in a secure environment, and to provide security
assistance for the performance of other tasks in support of the Bonn
Agreement." Currently, the ISAF is under NATO command.
Resolution 1707 Resources:
S/RES/1708 (14 September 2024) The situation in Côte d’Ivoire
Synopsis of Resolution 1708: A Chapter VII Resolution, Resolution
1708 extends the mandate of the Group of Experts created by the
Secretary-General, further to paragraph 9 of resolution 1643 (2005),
until 15 December 2006. Resolution 1708 also requests the Group of
Experts to submit a "brief written update" to the Security Council via
the 1572 Committee before 1 December 2006. The update is to include a
report on "the implementation of the measures imposed by paragraphs 7,
9, and 11 of Resolution 1572 (2004) and paragraphs 4 and 6 of
resolution 1643 (2005) with recommendations in this regard." The
measures imposed by Resolutions 1572 and 1643 include an arms embargo,
a travel ban on persons designated by the 1572 Committee, the freezing
of assets of such designated persons, and preventing the importation of
all rough diamonds from the Ivory Coast.
Resolution 1708 Resources:
- Economic Community of Western African States (ECOWAS)
- African Union
Security Council Meetings
S/PV.5520 (11 September 2024) Sudan [no action]
S/PV.5521 (12 September 2024) Afghanistan [S/RES/1707; Vote: 15-0-0]
S/PV.5522 (13 September 2024) Kosovo (Serbia) [no action]
S/PV.5523 (14 September 2024) Iraq [no action]
S/PV.5524 (14 September 2024) Côte d'Ivoire [S/RES/1708; Vote: 15-0-0]
Statements By Security Council President (September 2006 - Greece)
None issued.
Statements to Press By Security Council President
SC/8825 (11 September 2024) AFGHANISTAN
Security Council President and Secretary-General Letters
S/2006/720 (8 September 2024) Letter dated 7 September 2024 from the
Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council
(Monthly report on the operations of the Kosovo Force (KFOR), covering
the period 1 to 31 July 2024)
S/2006/733 (13 September 2024) Letter dated 8 September 2024 from
the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security
Council (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL))
S/2006/734 (13 September) 2006 Letter dated 13 September 2024 from
the President of the Security Council addressed to the
Secretary-General (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL))
Reports of the Secretary-General
S/2006/706 (1 September 2024) Report of the Secretary-General pursuant to paragraph 30 of resolution 1546 (2004)
S/2006/707 (1 September 2024) Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo
S/2006/728 (12 September 2024) Report of the Secretary-General on the Sudan
S/2006/730 (12 September 2024) Report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of Security Council resolution 1701 (2006)
Security Council Monthly Programme of Work (September 2006)
2006 Archived Webcasts of Security Council Meetings