Jus cogens: Recent Developments in International Law

Welcome to Juscogens.net, a website dedicated to recent developments in the field of public international law. Specifically, Jus cogens aims to provide concise, informed background and analysis in an unbiased, objective, timely, and scholarly manner. Sources include the opinions of international tribunals, international conventions, international organizations, international custom, and the judicial decisions and teachings of qualified publicists.

Traditional legal publications, including law reviews and journals, undertake lengthy, time-consuming editorial reviews prior to publishing recent developments. Such "recent" developments are often weeks, if not months, old by the time of publication. Jus cogens seeks to remedy this inefficiency.

A corollary purpose of jus cogens is to provide a convenient, centralized location of online public international law resources for scholars, attorneys, students, and others. Permanent and dynamic resources include:

* International Courts & Tribunals
* International Organizations
* Treaties & Conventions
* Recent International Law Scholarship


About the Editor: I am an attorney admitted to practice in the State of New York with a specialized interest in public international law. I am a graduate of both Washington University School of Law and Princeton University. For topic suggestions, ideas, or comments contact: [email protected].


  • All content is provided for informational purposes only. No warranties, implied or expressed, are made regarding the accuracy of any information herein. This information does not constitute legal advice. For legal advice, contact a duly licensed attorney in your jurisdiction. The author disclaims responsibility for any damages suffered, including incidental and consequential damages, by acting in reliance upon any information provided herein. By using this site, you agree to indemnify the author for any liability created by you in connection with the use of this site. Unless specified otherwise, all materials Copyright © 2005-2006 www.juscogens.net, All Rights Reserved.