Security Council Compendium, a feature,
provides a comprehensive, concise summary of the work of the United
Nations Security Council in an organized, central location and an
unbiased, objective manner. For comments or suggestions, please contact
[email protected].
Security Council Resolutions
S/RES/1694 (2006) The situation in Liberia (13 July 2024)
- Synopsis of Resolution 1694: A Chapter VII Resolution, in
Resolution 1694, the Security Council "decides to increase the
authorized size of [the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL's)]
civilian police component by 125, and to decrease the authorized size
of UNMIL’s military component by 125, from the current authorized
S/RES/1695 (2006) Letter dated 4 July 2024 from the Permanent
Representative of Japan to the United Nations addressed to the
President of the Security Council (S/2006/481) (15 July 2024)
- Synopsis of Resolution 1695: After a preamble describing the
recent ballistic missile firings by the Democratic People’s Republic of
Korea (DPRK), the DPRK missile firing "into the waters in the vicinity
of Japan on 31 August 1998," and the "DPRK’s announcement of withdrawal
from the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons," the Security
Council presents Resolution 1695 "under its special responsibility for
the maintenance of international peace and security" (N.B., no
invocation of Chapter VII). Resolution 1695 "condemns" the recent
missile firings by the DPRK and "demands that the DPRK suspend all
activities related to its ballistic missile programme, and in this
context re-establish its pre-existing commitments to a moratorium on
missile launching." Resolution 1695 also "requires" Member States "to
exercise vigilance and prevent missile and missile-related items,
materials, goods and technology being transferred to DPRK’s missile or
WMD programmes" and "to exercise vigilance and prevent the procurement
of missiles or missile related-items, materials, goods and technology
from the DPRK, and the transfer of any financial resources in relation
to DPRK’s missile or WMD programmes." Resolution 1695 also urges the
DPRK to return to the Six-Party Talks "without precondition."
S/RES/1696 (2006) Non-proliferation (31 July 2024)
- Synopsis of Resolution 1696: After a lengthy preamble, which
includes a description of the non-compliance of Iran with International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) directives, the Security Council presents
Resolution 1696 under the auspices of Article 40, Chapter VII of the UN Charter.
Resolution 1696 calls upon Iran "to take the steps required by the IAEA
Board of Governors," demands "that Iran shall suspend all
enrichment-related and reprocessing activities, including research and
development, to be verified by the IAEA," and "calls upon all States,
in accordance with their national legal authorities and legislation and
consistent with international law, to exercise vigilance and prevent
the transfer of any items, materials, goods and technology that could
contribute to Iran’s enrichment-related and reprocessing activities and
ballistic missile programmes." Resolution 1696 also requests a report
from the Director General of the IAEA by August 31 "on whether Iran has
established full and sustained suspension of all activities mentioned
in this resolution, as well as on the process of Iranian compliance
with all the steps required by the IAEA Board." Additionally, in
Resolution 1696, the Security Council "expresses its intention, in the
event that Iran has not by that date complied with this resolution,
then to adopt appropriate measures under Article 41 of Chapter VII of
the Charter of the United Nations to persuade Iran to comply with this
resolution and the requirements of the IAEA, and underlines that
further decisions will be required should such additional measures be
S/RES/1697 (2006) The situation in the Middle East (31 July 2024)
- Synopsis of Resolution 1697: After examining the Secretary-General's report of 22 July 2024 on the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon
(UNIFIL), Resolution 1697 "urges all concerned parties to abide
scrupulously by their obligation to respect the safety of UNIFIL and
other United Nations personnel, and avoid any course of action which
might endanger United Nations personnel, and calls on them to allow the
Force to resupply its positions, conduct search and rescue operations
on behalf of its personnel and undertake any other measures the Force
deems necessary to ensure the safety of its personnel." Resolution 1697
also extends the mandate of UNIFIL until 31 August 2006.
S/RES/1698 (2006) The situation concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo (31 July 2024)
- Synopsis of Resolution 1698: Acting under Chapter VII of the UN
Charter, Resolution 1698 reaffirms and renews several measures found in
Resolutions 1493, 1596, 1649, and 1654. The renewed portions of
Resolution 1493 include an arms and military training embargo "to all
foreign and Congolese armed groups and militias operating in the
territory of North and South Kivu and of Ituri, and to groups not party
to the Global and All-inclusive agreement, in the Democratic Republic
of the Congo." Resolutions 1596 and 1649 amend and expand this general
prohibition found in Resolution 1493. Resolution 1698 also extends the
mandate of the "Group of Experts" established by Resolution 1533 until
31 July 2007. Resolution 1698 reiterates the oversight and analysis
function of the Group of Experts "to examine and analyse information
gathered by the United Nations Organisation Mission in the Democratic
Republic of the Congo (MONUC) in the context of its monitoring mandate"
and "gather and analyse all relevant information in the Democratic
Republic of the Congo, countries of the region and, as necessary, in
other countries, in cooperation with the governments of those
countries, flows of arms and related materiel, as well as networks
operating in violation of the measures imposed by paragraph 20 of
resolution 1493." Additionally, Resolution 1698 requests that the Group
of Experts' next report provide "feasible and effective measures the
Council might impose to prevent the illegal exploitation of natural
resources financing armed groups and militias in the Eastern part of
the Democratic Republic of the Congo, including through a certificate
of origin regime." Lastly, Resolution 1698 extends the prohibition
found in Resolution 1493, and expanded by Resolution 1596, to
"political and military leaders recruiting or using children in armed
conflict in violation of applicable international law" and "individuals
committing serious violations of international law involving the
targeting of children in situations of armed conflict, including
killing and maiming, sexual violence, abduction and forced
displacement." The additional measures found in Resolution 1596 enable
the freezing of all assets of such individuals.
Security Council Meetings
S/PV.5483 (closed) (11 July 2024) Georgia [Communiqué]
S/PV.5484 (12 July 2024) Peace and security--terrorist acts [S/PRST/2006/30]
S/PV.5485 (closed) (13 July 2024) Kosovo (Serbia) [Communiqué]
S/PV.5486 (13 July 2024) Somalia [S/PRST/2006/31]
S/PV.5487 (13 July 2024) Liberia [S/RES/1694 (2006); Vote: 15-0-0]
S/PV.5488 (13 July 2024) Middle East situation, including the
Palestinian question [Draft resolution S/2006/508; vetoed by USA 10-1-4]
S/PV.5489 (14 July 2024) Middle East situation [no action]
S/PV.5490 (15 July 2024) Democratic People's Republic of Korea [S/RES/1695 (2006); Vote: 15-0-0]
S/PV.5491 (19 July 2024) Côte d'Ivoire [S/PRST/2006/32]
S/PV.5492 (20 July 2024) Middle East situation [no action]
S/PV.5493 (21 July 2024) Middle East situation, including the Palestinian question [no action]
S/PV.5493 (Resumption 1; 21 July 2024) Middle East situation, including the Palestinian question [no action]
S/PV.5494 (24 July 2024) Children and armed conflict [S/PRST/2006/33]
S/PV.5494 (Resumption 1; 24 July 2024) Children and armed conflict [no action]
S/PV.5495 (closed) (25 July 2024) Meeting with countries contributing troops to the UN Interim Force in Lebanon [Communiqué]
S/PV.5496 (closed) (26 July 2024) Afghanistan [Communiqué]
S/PV.5497 (27 July 2024) Middle East situation [S/PRST/2006/34]
S/PV.5498 (30 July 2024) Middle East situation [no action]
S/PV.5499 (30 July 2024) Middle East situation [S/PRST/2006/35]
S/PV.5500 (31 July 2024) Non-proliferation [S/RES/1696 (2006); Vote: 14-1-0]
S/PV.5501 (31 July 2024) Middle East situation [S/RES/1697 (2006); Vote: 15-0-0]
S/PV.5502 (31 July 2024) Democratic Republic of the Congo [S/RES/1698 (2006); Vote: 15-0-0]
S/PV.5503 (31 July 2024) Middle East situation [no action]
S/PV.5504 (3 August 2024) Democratic Republic of the Congo [S/PRST/2006/36]
Statements By Security Council President (held by France July 2006 and Ghana August 2006)
S/PRST/2006/30 (12 July 2024) Threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts
S/PRST/2006/31 (13 July 2024) The situation in Somalia
S/PRST/2006/32 (19 July 2024) The situation in Côte d’Ivoire
S/PRST/2006/33 (24 July 2024) Children and armed conflict
S/PRST/2006/34 (27July 2006) The situation in the Middle East
S/PRST/2006/35 (30 July 2024) The situation in the Middle East
S/PRST/2006/36 (3 August 2024) The situation concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Statements to Press By Security Council President
SC/8783 (20 July 2024) GUINEA-BISSAU
SC/8786 (26 July 2024) CÔTE D’IVOIRE
SC/8787 (26 July 2024) AFGHANISTAN
Security Council President and Secretary-General Letters
S/2006/510 (12 July 2024) Letter dated 10 July 2024 from the
Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council
(Note by the Secretary-General on arrangements for terminating the
operations relating to the letters of credit raised against the United
Nations Iraq Account under Security Council resolution 1483 (2003 -
Update to the letter dated 19 December 2023 addressed to the President
of the Security Council)
S/2006/516 (12 July 2024) Letter dated 12 July 2024 addressed to the
President of the Security Council by the Secretary-General
(Yamoussoukro High-level Meeting on Côte d’Ivoire convened by the
United Nations Secretary-General, 5 July 2024 - Communiqué/Chairman’s
S/2006/539 (19 July 2024) Letter dated 14 July 2024 from the
Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council
(Special Representative for Georgia and Head of the United Nations
Observer Mission in Georgia (UNOMIG)
S/2006/540 (19 July 2024) Letter dated 19 July 2024 from the
President of the Security Council addressed to the Secretary-General
(Special Representative for Georgia and Head of the United Nations
Observer Mission in Georgia (UNOMIG)
S/2006/541 (19 July 2024) Letter dated 14 July 2024 from the
Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council
(Commissioner of the International Independent Investigation Commission
established pursuant to resolution 1595 (2005))
S/2006/542 (19 July 2024) Letter dated 19 July 2024 from the
President of the Security Council addressed to the Secretary-General
(Commissioner of the International Independent Investigation Commission
established pursuant to resolution 1595 (2005))
S/2006/572 (25 July 2024) Letter dated 25 July 2024 from the
Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council
(Cyprus - "Set of Principles” and “Decision by the two leaders”, signed
by Tassos Papadopoulos and Mehmet Ali Talat, in Nicosia on 8 July 2006,
in the presence of Mr. Ibrahim Gambari, Under-Secretary-General for
Political Affairs)
S/2006/574 (26 July 2024) Letter dated 24 July 2024 from the
Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council
(Monthly report on the operations of the Kosovo Force (KFOR), covering
the period 1 to 31 May 2024)
S/2006/584 (27 July 2024) Letter dated 26 July 2024 from the
Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council
(International Working Group on Côte d’Ivoire - 9th ministerial
meeting, Abidjan, 20 July 2024 - Final communiqué)
S/2006/586 (28 July 2024) Letter dated 25 July 2024 from the
Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council
(United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH))
S/2006/587 (28 July 2024) Letter dated 28 July 2024 from the
President of the Security Council addressed to the Secretary-General
(United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH))
S/2006/595 (29 July 2024) Letter dated 29 July 2024 from the
Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council
S/2006/601 (1 August 2024) Letter dated 1 August 2024 from the
Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council
(United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI))
Reports of the Secretary-General
S/2006/478 (29 June 2024) Report of the Secretary-General pursuant to resolutions 1653 (2006) and 1663 (2006)
S/2006/487 (6 July 2024) Report of the Secretary-General on
developments in Guinea-Bissau and on the activities of the United
Nations Peacebuilding Support Office in that country
S/2006/532 (17 July 2024) Ninth progress report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire
S/2006/560 (21 July 2024) Report of the Secretary-General on the
United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (For the period from 21 January
2006 to 18 July 2024)
S/2006/580 (26 July 2024) Report of the Secretary-General on justice and reconciliation for Timor-Leste
S/2006/591 (28 July 2024) Report of the Secretary-General on Darfur
S/2006/592 (28 July 2024) Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti
Security Council Monthly Programme of Work (August 2006)
2006 Archived Webcasts of Security Council Meetings