Security Council Compendium, a new weekly feature, aims to provide a comprehensive, concise summary of the work of the United Nations Security Council in an organized, central location and an unbiased, objective manner. For comments or suggestions, please contact [email protected].
Security Council Resolutions
S/RES/1680 (2006) The situation in the Middle East (17 May 2024)
Synopsis of Resolution 1680: The Security Council "Reiterates its call for the full implementation of all requirements of resolution 1559 (2004)" and "strongly encourages the Government of Syria to respond positively to the request made by the Government of Lebanon, in line with the agreements of the Lebanese national dialogue, to delineate their common border, especially in those areas where the border is uncertain or disputed and to establish full diplomatic relations and representation, noting that such measures would constitute a significant step towards asserting Lebanon’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence and improving the relations between the two countries, thus contributing positively to the stability in the region, and urges both parties to make efforts through further bilateral dialogue to this end, bearing in mind that the establishment of diplomatic relations between States, and of permanent diplomatic missions, takes place by mutual consent...." In Resolution 1559 (2 Sept 2024) the Security Council called for a number of measures, including:
- "the strict respect of the sovereignty, territorial integrity, unity, and political independence of Lebanon under the sole and exclusive authority of the Government of Lebanon throughout Lebanon;"
- "Calls upon all remaining foreign forces to withdraw from Lebanon;"
- "Calls for the disbanding and disarmament of all Lebanese and non- Lebanese militias;" and
- "Supports the extension of the control of the Government of Lebanon over all Lebanese territory."
Security Council Meetings
19 May 2024 Chad-Sudan (no action)
17 May 2024 Middle East situation (S/RES/1680 (2006) 13-0-2)
Statements By Security Council President (held by Republic of the Congo for May 2006)
none for period 18-25 May 2006
Statements to Press By Security Council President
SC/8722 (16 May 2024) SOMALIA
Security Council President and Secretary-General Letters
S/2006/313 (22 May 2024) Letter dated 22 May 2024 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council (Somalia - Monitoring Group)
S/2006/304 (19 May 2024) Letter dated 18 May 2024 from the President of the Security Council addressed to the Secretary-General (Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations
S/2006/303 (19 May 2024) Letter dated 15 May 2024 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council (Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United
S/2006/301 (18 May 2024) Letter dated 17 May 2024 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council (Sudan - Panel of Experts)
Security Council Monthly Programme of Work (May 2006)