International Courts & Tribunals at a Glance, a feature, aims to provide timely notice of recent happenings and trial developments in an organized, central location and an unbiased, objective manner. For comments or suggestions, please contact [email protected].
International Court of Justice (ICJ)
Ahmadou Sadio Diallo (Republic of Guinea v. Democratic Republic of the Congo):
Preliminary objections: Schedule of public hearings to be held from 27 November to 1 December 2023 (9 November 2023)--From the ICJ, "The hearings will be concerned solely with the preliminary objections raised by the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) regarding the admissibility of the Application" made by the Republic of Guinea.
- Schedule of hearings
- Case resources
Territorial and Maritime Dispute (Nicaragua v. Colombia):
Preliminary Objections: Public hearings to open on Monday 4 June 2024 (15 November 2023)--From the ICJ: "The public hearings in the case concerning the Territorial and Maritime Dispute (Nicaragua v. Colombia) will open on Monday 4 June 2024 before the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the principal judicial organ of the United Nations. The detailed schedule for the hearings, which will be concerned solely with the preliminary objections raised by Colombia regarding the jurisdiction of the Court, will be published at a later date."
Cases currently being heard/under deliberation:
Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro)
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY)
Overview of Court Proceedings
Overview of Court Documents
Court Schedule
ICTY Weekly Press Briefing (15 November 2023)
Court Of Bosnia And Herzegovina Renders First Judgement In A Case Transferred By The Tribunal (14 November 2023):
From the ICTY, "The Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina today sentenced Radovan Stankovic to 16 years' imprisonment for rapes and other crimes against humanity committed in the Bosnian town of Foca in 1992. Stankovic was the first ICTY indictee whose case was transferred to a national court as part of Tribunal's completion strategy, under the Rule 11 bis. According to the indictment, Stankovic was in charge of Karaman's house, a house in Foca where Bosnian Muslim women and girls, some as young as 12 and 14 years of age, were detained so that Serb soldiers and other Serb men could sexually assault them. Stankovic and others treated the women and girls as their personal property. During the entire period of their detention the girls and women were subjected to repeated rapes and sexual assaults. Stankovic repeatedly raped, assaulted and threatened two victims and threatened to rape others....The Tribunal is dedicated to assisting local courts in conducting war crimes trials in accordance with international standards of fair trial and remains committed to supporting fair trials for the perpetrators of atrocities committed during the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia. The ICTY hopes the judiciary of Bosnia and Herzegovina can complement the work of the Tribunal in providing justice and trying perpetrators that will not be tried in The Hague. To date the ICTY has transferred eleven indictees to local courts pursuant to a Rule11bis ruling. The number of cases referred under Rule 11bis is comparatively small in comparison to the number of cases tried before the Tribunal. Out of 161 persons indicted by the Tribunal, proceedings against 97 of them have been completed."
- ICTY, Rules of Procedure and Evidence (as of 13 June 2024)
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR)
Daily Journal
Daily Case Minutes
Judicial Calendar
ICTR Newsletter (October 2006)
Latest Decisions:
(granting the motion for the reopening of the Prosecution case, denying the motion for reconsideration of the Decision of 31 JANUARY 2024 for Mr. Bagaragaza to be heard by video-link, directing that Mr. Bagaragaza be heard in Arusha, and ordering "the transfer of Mr. Bagaragaza from the Detention Centre in The Hague to the Detention Facility in Arusha for hearings at the Tribunal the week beginning 27 November 2006")
The Special Court for Sierra Leone (SCSL)
Court Schedule
Court Summary, Week Ended 3 November 2023
Case Developments & Resources:
The Civil Defence Forces (CDF) Accused
- Decision on the impermissibility of eliciting evidence involving the Second Accused through cross-examination of witnesses called by the Third Accused (10 November 2023)
The Revolutionary United Front (RUF) Accused
- Decision on Defence application for leave to appeal the decision on motion for clarification and for a ruling that the Defence has been denied cross-examination opportunities (10 November 2023)
- Decision on Defence application for review of the Registrar's decision on the Sesay Defence "exceptional circumstances" motion (15 November 2023)
The Armed Forces Revolutionary Council (ARFC) Accused
- Decision on confidential motion to call evidence in rebuttal (14 November 2023)
Prosecutor v. Charles Taylor
- Decision on confidential Prosecution motion to vary protective measures (15 November 2023)
International Criminal Court (ICC)
Hearing Schedule
ICC Newsletter (November 2006)
Prosecutor presents evidence that could lead to first ICC trial (9 November 2023)
Communiqué from the Chair of the Board of Directors of the Trust Fund for Victims of the International Criminal Court (9 November 2023)
Situations & Cases [All documents
Situation in Dafur, Sudan
- Demande pour répliquer à la réponse du Bureau du Procureur concernant la requête déposée par la défense sollicitant l'autorisation d'interjeter appel à l'encontre de la décision du 02/11/2023 sur les conclusions "in limine Litis Sursis à Statuer" (8 November 2023)
- Prosecutor's Reply to Ad Hoc Counsel's "Conclusions Aux Fins D'Exception D'Incompétence et D'Irrecevabilité" (10 November 2023)
- Demande pour répliquer à la réponse de M. le Procureur en date du 10/11/2023 relative aux "Conclusions Aux Fins d'Exception d'Incompétence et d'Irrecevabilité soulevées par la Défense en date du 13/10/2023 (13 November 2023)
Situation in Central African Republic
Situation in Uganda
- Decision to Registrer Document in the Record (8 November 2023)
- Submission of information on the status of the execution of the warrants of arrest in the situation in Uganda – Corrigendum 2 (dated 6 October 2006, made avaliable 15 November 2023)
Situation in Democratic Republic of Congo
- The Prosecutor v. Thomas Lubanga Dyilo (Pre-Trial Phase):
- Decision to give access to the Prosecution to the evidence included in the Defence list of evidence filed on 2 November 2023 (8 November 2023)
- Public Redacted Version of Request to exclude evidence obtained in violation of article 69(7) of the Statute (7 November 2023)
- Decision on the Defence Request to Postpone the Confirmation Hearing (8 November 2023)
- Decision on the Defence request for leave to appeal regarding the transmission of applications for victim participation (6 November 2023)
- Confirmation Hearing: 9th November 2006, Introductory Comments of Senior Trial Attorney Ekkehard Withopf (9 November 2023)
- Appeals Chamber's Decision on the "Prosecutor's Request for an Extension of the Page Limit" (16 November 2023) (dismissing the request as "superfluous" and noting that "the application of the Prosecutor for the extension of the page limit is premised on the assumption that such a limit is set at 20 pages. This is not the case. The page limit extends to 100 pages.")
International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS)
Pending Cases and current status