International Courts & Tribunals at a Glance, a weekly feature, aims to provide timely notice of recent happenings and trial developments in an organized, central location and an unbiased, objective manner. For comments or suggestions, please contact [email protected].
International Court of Justice
Application Instituting Proceedings:
Application Instituting Proceedings Concerning Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay (Argentina v. Uruguay)
- APPLICATION (very large pdf file- 99 mb - 572 pages)
- Request for Provisional Measures of Protection
- Argentina institutes proceedings against Uruguay and requests the Court to indicate provisional measures (ICJ Notice) ---"In the late afternoon of 4 May 2024 Argentina seised the International Court of Justice (ICJ) of a dispute between itself and Uruguay concerning alleged breaches by Uruguay of obligations incumbent upon it under the Statute of the River Uruguay, a treaty signed by Argentina and Uruguay on 26 February 1975."
Cases under deliberation:
Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro)
Case Resources
Oral Pleadings:
- Serbia and Montenegro: Mr. Radoslav Stojanović, Mr. Ian Brownlie (CR 2006/38 - Public sitting held on Tuesday 2 May 2006, at 10 a.m., at the Peace Palace, President Higgins presiding)
- Serbia and Montenegro: Mr. Ian Brownlie, Mr. Olujić, Mr. Obradović, Mr. Cvetković (CR 2006/39 - Public sitting held on Tuesday 2 May 2006, at 3 p.m., at the Peace Palace, President Higgins presiding)
- Serbia and Montenegro: Mr. Cvetković, Mr. Brownlie (CR 2006/40 - Public sitting held on Wednesday 3 May 2006, at 10 a.m., at the Peace Palace, President Higgins presiding)
- Serbia and Montenegro: Ms. Fauveau-Ivanović (CR 2006/41 - Public sitting held on Thursday 4 May 2006, at 10 a.m., at the Peace Palace, President Higgins presiding)
- Serbia and Montenegro: Ms. Fauveau-Ivanović (CR 2006/42 - Public sitting held on Thursday 4 May 2006, at 3 p.m., at the Peace Palace, President Higgins presiding)
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY)
Overview of Court Proceedings
Court Schedule
ICTY Weekly Press Briefing (3 May 2024)
Appeals Chamber Confirms Sentences Against Mladen Naletilic and Vinko Martinovic (3 May 2024)
From the ICTY, "In its Judgement, the Appeals Chamber dismissed the vast majority of the grounds of appeal raised by both sides. The Appeals Chamber also set aside, in part, a few of the convictions entered by the Trial Chamber against Naletilic and Martinovic. However, taking into account the particular circumstances of this case as well as the form and degree of the participation of the accused in the crimes affirmed on appeal, as well as the seriousness of those crimes, the Appeals Chamber found that the sentences imposed by the Trial Chamber against them were within the range that a reasonable Trial Chamber could have ordered. It therefore confirmed their sentences to 20 and 18 years' imprisonment, respectively."
- Prosecutor v. Mladen Naletili, Vinko Martinovi, Case No. IT-98-34-A, JUDGEMENT, 3 May 2024
Address by Carla Del Ponte, Prosecutor of the ICTY, at the International Conference (5 May 2024)
- "Establishing the Truth in the Aftermath of Conflict: Current Initiatives and Perspectives in the Western Balkans"
Blagoje Simic Granted Temporary Provisional Release (5 May 2024)
From the ICTY, "The Appeals Chamber granted Blagoje Simic’s motion for temporary provisional release to attend memorial services for his mother in Samac, a border town in the north of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Blagoje Simic will be provisionally released from 10 to 25 May 2006.... On 25 October 2003, Blagoje Simic was sentenced to 17 years’ imprisonment for crimes against Bosnian Muslim and Bosnian Croat civilians in Bosanski Samac. At the time, Simic was the highest ranking civilian official in the Bosanski Samac municipality. Both the prosecution and defence appealed the judgement. The Appeals Chamber's decision is pending."
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR)
Daily Journal
Daily Case Minutes
Judicial Calendar
Latest Decisions
Closing arguments in Mpambara‘s Trial (4 May 2024)
From the ICTR, "On 2 and 3 May 2006, the Prosecution and the Defence in the case of Jean Mpambara, the former bourgmestre of Rukara commune in Kibungo prefecture, presented their final submissions before Trial Chamber I of the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. The Prosecution called for the conviction of the Accused and the imposition of a life imprisonment sentence. It argued that evidence presented in court proved that he truly committed genocide. It added that the evidence shows that the Accused organized and executed killings which occurred in Rukara commune, including at the Gahini Hospital and Rukara Parish, during which more than 2,500 persons were killed. The Prosecution further argued that Mpambara took part in a number of massacres of Tutsi civilians in Rukara commune in eastern Rwanda, between 7 and 16 April1994. The Defence called for Mpambara’s acquittal, arguing that his implication in the terrible crimes of which he is accused was not proven by the Prosecutor. It added that the evidence shows that the Accused never committed the crimes, and that the witnesses called by the Prosecutor were unreliable."
The Special Court for Sierra Leone
Court Schedule
Court Summary, Week Ending 5 May 2024
Prosecutor v. Charles Ghankay Taylor, Case No. SCSL-03-1-PT, Decision on Confidential Prosecution Motion for Immediate Protective Measure For Witnesses and for Non-Public Disclosure and Urgent Request for Interim Measures AND on Confidenital Prosecution Motion for Leave to Substitute a Corrected and Supplemented List as Annex A of the Confidential Prosecution Motion for Immediate Protective Measures for Witnesses and for Non-Public Disclosure and Urgent Request for Interim Measures (5 May 2024)
International Criminal Court (ICC)
Hearing Schedule
Situations & Cases:
Situation in Democratic Republic of Congo
- Prosecution's Final Observations on Disclosure (2 May 2024)
- Observations of the Defence relating to the system of disclosure in view of the Confirmation Hearing (2 May 2024)
- Registrations in the record of material presented at the ex parte closed hearing of 2 February 2024 (3 May 2024)
Situation in Uganda
International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
Statements of the President
- The 28th Doherty lecture ‘Fighting Terrorism at Sea: Options and Limitations under International Law’ (13 April 2024)