A juscogens.net feature, This Week in Public International Law Scholarship highlights new and notable books and articles concerning public international law. For comments or suggestions, please contact [email protected].
Ernest K. Bankas, The State Immunity Controversy in International Law: Private Suits Against Sovereign States in Domestic Courts
Lavanya Rajamani, Differential Treatment in International Environmental Law
Mortimer N.S. Sellers, Republican Principles in International Law The Fundamental Requirements of a Just World Order
Wojciech Sadurski, Adam Czarnota, Martin Krygier (eds.), Spreading Democracy and the Rule of Law? The Impact of EU Enlargemente for the Rule of Law, Democracy and Constitutionalism in Post-Communist Legal Orders
Rüdiger Wolfrum & Volker Röben (eds.), Developments of International Law in Treaty Making
Tulsa Journal of Comparative & International Law, Volume 13, Number 1, Fall 2005
- Nsongurua J. Udombana, Pay Back Time in Sudan? Darfur in the International Criminal Court
European Law Journal (United Kingdom), Volume 12, Issue 2, March 2006
- Armin Schäfer, Resolving Deadlock: Why International Organisations Introduce Soft Law
- Isabella Eiselt & Peter Slominski, Sub-Constitutional Engineering: Negotiation, Content, and Legal Value of Interinstitutional Agreements in the EU
Wisconsin International Law Journal, Volume 23, Number 2, Spring 2005
- Adam Day, No Exit Without Judiciary: Learning a Lesson from UNMIK's Transitional Administration in Kosovo
American University International Law Review, Volume 21, Number 3, 2006
The Seventh Annual Grotius Lecture Series
- Justice Michael Kirby, International Law--The Impact on National Constitutions
- A. Mark Weisburd , Using International Law to Interpret National Constitutions--Conceptual Problems: Reflections on Justice Kirby's Advocacy of International Law in Domestic Constitutional Jurisprudence
Nuclear Law Bulletin,Volume 2005, Number 2, Bulletin 76
- O. Jankowitsch-Prevor, International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism
- L. Vez Carmona, The International Regime on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and the Amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material