This Week in Public International Law Scholarship (No. 26)
This Week in Public International Law Scholarship, a feature, highlights new and notable books and articles concerning public international law. For comments or suggestions, please contact [email protected].
Catherine Brolmann, The Institutional Veil in Public International Law: International Organisations And the Law of Treaties
Richard Burchill, The European Union, International Law And The Promotion And Protection Of Democracy
C. Chatterjee, International Law and Diplomacy
Matthew Craven, Malgosia Fitzmaurice & Maria Vogiatzi (eds.), Time, History and International Law
Adam LeBor, "Complicity With Evil": The United Nations in the Age of Modern Genocide
Karen Lee (ed.), Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal Reports
Oliver James Lissitzyn, The International Court of Justice: Its Role in the Maintenance of International Peace And Security
Vaughan Lowe, International Law
Kingsley Chiedu Moghalu, Global Justice: The Politics of War Crimes Trials
Richard Plender (ed.), Basic Documents on International Migration Law: Third Revised Edition
Martin Reichard, The Eu-nato Relationship: A Legal And Political Perspective
Stephen Tierney & Colin Warbrick (eds.), Towards an International Legal Community?: The Sovereignty of States And the Sovereignty of International Law
Zoe Wilson, The United Nations and Democracy in Africa
International Journal of Human Rights (United Kingdom), Volume 10, Number 4, December 2006
- Andrea Boggio, The Global Enforcement of Human Rights: The Unintended Consequences of Transnational Litigation
- Michael Levine and Saul Newman, Sacred Cows and the Changing Face of Discourse on Terrorism: Cranking it Up a Notch
- Omer Elagab, Fighting with the Enemy: The Case of Three British Muslims in Afghanistan
Boston University Public Interest Law Journal, Volume 15, Number 2, Spring 2006
Journal of International Law and International Relations (Canada), Volume 2, Number 2, Fall 2006
- David Malone and James Cockayne, The UN Security Council: 10 Lessons From Iraq on Regulation and Accountability
- Adrian Di Giovanni, The Prospect of ICC Reparations in the Case Concerning Northern Uganda: On a Collision Course With Incoherence?
Human Rights Law Review (United Kingdom), Volume 6, Number 2, 2006
- M. Cherif Bassiouni, International Recognition of Victims' Rights
- Jo M. Pasqualucci, The Evolution of International Indigenous Rights in the Inter-American Human Rights System
- Brian D. Tittemore, Guantanamo Bay and the Precautionary Measures of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights: A Case for International Oversight in the Struggle Against Terrorism