This Week in Public International Law Scholarship (No. 25)
This Week in Public International Law Scholarship, a feature, highlights new and notable books and articles concerning public international law. For comments or suggestions, please contact [email protected].
Armin Von Bogdandy, Rudiger Wolfrum & Christiane E. Philipp (eds.), Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law, 2006
Anthony Clark Arend & Robert J. Beck, International Law and the Use of Force (2d Rev.Ed.)
Geoff Gilbert, Responding to International Crime
Marcelo G. Kohen (ed.), Promoting Justice, Human Rights and Conflict Resolution through International Law
Ben Saul, Defining Terrorism in International Law
Spanish Yearbook of International Law, 2004
Jane Stromseth, David Wippman & Rosa Brooks, Can Might Make Rights?: Building the Rule of Law after Military Interventions
Christian L. Wiktor, Treaties Submitted to the United States Senate: Legislative History, 1989-2004
Alexander Zahar & Goran Sluiter, International Criminal Law: A Critical Restatement
Texas International Law Journal, Volume 41, Number 3, Summer 2006
- Florian F. Hoffmann, "Shooting into the Dark": Toward a Pragmatic Theory of Human Rights (Activism)
- Derek Jinks, Translation of Global Human Rights Norms: The Empirical Dimension
- Balakrishnan Rajagopal, Culture, Resistance, and the Problems of Translating Human Rights
- Srinivas Aravamudan, Sovereignty: Between Embodiment and Detranscendentalization
- Antony Anghie, Nationalism, Development and the Postcolonial State: The Legacies of the League of Nations
- David Kennedy, Sovereignty: Responding to Anghie and Aravamudan
- Ranjana Khanna, Asylum
- Gregor Noll, Asylum Claims and the Translation of Culture into Politics
- Charles Piot, Asylum and Culture: Comments on Khanna and Noll
- Gaurav Desai, Isn't Multiculturalism Bad for Asylum?
Natural Resources Journal, Volume 46, Number 1, Winter 2006
- Owen McIntyre, The Role of Customary Rules and Principles of International Environmental Law in the Protection of Shared International Freshwater Resources
American Journal of International Law, Volume 100, Number 3, July 2006
Centennial Essays In honor of the 100th anniversary of the AJIL and the ASIL
- W Michael Reisman and Andrea Armstrong, The Past and Future of the Claim of Preemptive Self-Defense
- Theodor Meron, Reflections on the Prosecution of War Crimes by International Tribunals
- Adam Roberts, Transformative Military Occupation: Applying the Laws of War and Human Rights
Current Developments
- Stephen Mathias, The 2005 Judicial Activity of the International Court of Justice
International Criminal Law Review (Netherlands), Volume 6, Number 3, 2006
- Badar, Mohamed Elewa, Drawing the Boundaries of Mens Rea in the Jurisprudence of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia
- Abass, Ademola, The International Criminal Court and Universal Jurisdiction
- Knowles, Phoebe, The Power to Prosecute: the Special Court for Sierra Leone from a Defence Perspective
- Maged, Adel, Withdrawal of Referrals A Serious Challenge to the Function of the ICC
Indian Journal of International Law (India), Volume 46, Number 2, April-June 2006
- Talat Fatima, Cyber Terrorism: The International Menace -- Concept and Responses
- Chinmaya R. Gharekhan, Is the United Nations Relevant in the Contemporary World?
Journal of Conflict Studies (Canada), Volume 25, Number 2, Winter 2005
- ANN FITZ-GERALD, Facing the Facts: Peacekeeping's Place Within a Broader Approach to Security
- SARA L. ZEIGLER AND GREGORY G. GUNDERSON, Pernicious Patriarchy or Prosecutorial Progress?: Confronting Culture, War, and Rape in International Law
Leiden Journal of International Law (Netherlands), Volume 19, Number 3, October 2006
- ANNE PETERS, Compensatory Constitutionalism: The Function and Potential of Fundamental International Norms and Structures
- ERIKA DE WET, The Emergence of International and Regional Value Systems as a Manifestation of the Emerging International Constitutional Order
- RONALD JANSE, The Legitimacy of Humanitarian Interventions
- MOHAMED M. EL ZEIDY, Some Remarks on the Question of the Admissibility of a Case during Arrest Warrant Proceedings before the International Criminal Court
Melbourne Journal of International Law (Australia), Volume 7, Number 1, May 2006
- Tarik Kochi, Terror in the Name of Human Rights
- 'Dejo Olowu, The United Nations Human Rights Treaty System and the Challenge of Commitment and Compliance in the South Pacific
- Philip Alston, Reconceiving the UN Human Rights Regime: Challenges confronting the New UN Human Rights Council
Journal of International Criminal Justice (United Kingdom), Volume 4, Number 3, July 2006
- M. Cherif Bassiouni, The ICC -- Quo Vadis?
- George P. Fletcher and Jens David Ohlin, The ICC -- Two Courts in One?
- Antonio Cassese, Is the ICC Still Having Teething Problems?
- George P. Fletcher, The Hamdan Case and Conspiracy as a War Crime: A New Beginning for International Law in the US
- Mohamed M. El Zeidy, Critical Thoughts on Article 59(2) of the ICC Statute
- Ilias Bantekas, Corruption as an International Crime and Crime against Humanity: An Outline of Supplementary Criminal Justice Policies
- Carla Del Ponte, Investigation and Prosecution of Large-scale Crimes at the International Level: The Experience of the ICTY
- Claus Kreß, Universal Jurisdiction over International Crimes and the Institut de Droit international