Courts & Tribunals

  • International Court of Justice
  • International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY)
  • International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR)
  • International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
  • International Criminal Court (ICC)
  • The Special Court for Sierra Leone
  • Permanent Court of Arbitration
  • European Court of Human Rights
  • Iraqi Special Tribunal

International Organizations

  • African Union
  • Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
  • Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
  • Council of Europe
  • European Commission
  • International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
  • International Monetary Fund (IMF)
  • International Telecommunication Union
  • League of Arab States
  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
  • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
  • Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
  • Organization of American States (OAS)
  • The World Bank
  • United Nations
  • World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
  • World Trade Organization (WTO)


  • Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties
  • Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties Between States and International Organizations
  • Charter of the United Nations
  • Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations
  • Vienna Convention on Consular Relations
  • Geneva Conventions
  • Hague Convention
  • Convention against Torture
  • Convention on the Law of the Sea
  • Statute of the International Court of Justice
  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights


  • American University International Law Review
  • American Journal of International Law
  • Berkeley Journal of International Law
  • Boston University International Law Journal
  • Brooklyn Journal of International Law
  • Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law
  • Chicago Journal of International Law
  • Chinese Journal Of International Law
  • Connecticut Journal of International Law
  • Cornell International Law Journal
  • Denver Journal of International Law and Policy
  • Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law
  • Emory International Law Review
  • European Journal of International Law
  • Fordham International Law Journal
  • Harvard International Law Journal
  • Hastings International and Comparative Law Review
  • Indiana International & Comparative Law Review
  • International and Comparative Law Quarterly
  • Journal of International Criminal Justice
  • Leiden Journal of International Law
  • Michigan Journal of International Law
  • NYU Journal of International Law and Politics
  • Stanford Journal of International Law
  • Texas International Law Journal
  • UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs
  • Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law
  • Virginia Journal of International Law
  • Washington University Global Studies Law Review
  • Wisconsin International Law Journal
  • Yale Journal of International Law


  • ASIL - The American Society of International Law
  • ASIL Electronic Resource Guide
  • ASIL- EISIL“ - the Electronic Information System for International Law
    EISIL –
	the Electronic Information System for International Law
  • International Law Commission
  • Jus in Bello
  • Legal Information Institute: World Law
  • Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law
  • Peace Palace Library
  • Project on International Courts and Tribunals
  • Treaties in Force (United States)
  • United Nations Treaty Collection

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Wednesday, 22 November 2023

International Courts & Tribunals at a Glance (No. 21)

International Courts & Tribunals at a Glance, a feature, aims to provide timely notice of recent happenings and trial developments in an organized, central location and an unbiased, objective manner. For comments or suggestions, please contact [email protected].

International Court of Justice (ICJ)

Sovereignty over Pedra Branca/Pulau Batu Puteh, Middle Rocks and South Ledge (Malaysia/Singapore)

Public hearings on the merits of the dispute to open on Tuesday 6 November 2023 (16 November 2023)--From the ICJ: "The public hearings in the case concerning Sovereignty over Pedra Branca/Pulau Batu Puteh, Middle Rocks and South Ledge (Malaysia/Singapore) will open on Tuesday 6 November 2023 before the International Court of Justice (ICJ), principal judicial organ of the United Nations. The detailed schedule for the hearings, which will be concerned with the merits of the dispute, will be published at a later date."

  • Case resources

Certain Questions of Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters (Djibouti v. France)

Fixing of time-limits for the filing of the initial pleadings (16 November 2023)--From the ICJ: "In its Order dated 15 November 2006, the Court fixed 15 March 2024 as the time-limit for the filing of a Memorial by Djibouti and 13 July 2024 as the time-limit for the filing of a Counter-Memorial by France. The Court adopted the Order taking into account the views of the Parties. The subsequent procedure has been reserved for further decision."

  • Case resources

Cases currently being heard/under deliberation:

  • Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro) 

International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY)

Overview of Court Proceedings

Overview of Court Documents

Court Schedule

ICTY Weekly Press Briefing (22 November 2023)

Vladimir Kovacevic Case Referred To Serbia (17 November 2023)

From the ICTY, "The Tribunal's Referral Bench today ordered that the case of Vladimir Kovacevic be referred to the authorities of the Republic of Serbia, who will in turn refer the case to the appropriate court for trial. This is the first case referred by the Tribunal to Serbia in accordance with Rule 11 bis of the Tribunal's Rules. The Referral Bench ordered the Prosecution to hand over to the Prosecutor of the Republic of Serbia the material supporting the Indictment against the Accused, and all other appropriate evidence within 30 days. In addition, the Prosecution has to file an initial report to the Referral Bench on the progress made by the Prosecutor of the Republic of Serbia in the prosecution of Kovacevic six weeks after the transfer of the evidentiary material and thereafter every three months. Prosecution is to continue its efforts to ensure the monitoring and reporting on the proceedings of this case before the competent national court in Serbia in accordance with the agreement it has with OSCE, which will conduct the monitoring. The judges further ordered that the existing protective measures for witnesses remain in force. Kovacevic was provisionally released to Serbia in June 2004. In April 2006 the Tribunal found him unfit to enter a plea or stand trial. The Referral Bench concluded today that mechanisms exist in Serbia for the ongoing monitoring of Kovacevic's health and resumption of proceedings against him should he become fit to stand trial."

  • Full-Text of DecisionPdficon_small_130

Detention unit video launched on ICTY website (22 November 2023)

From the ICTY: "The Tribunal is pleased to announce the launch today of a seven-minute video of the ICTY’s Detention Unit on its website. The video, with English commentary(other languages will be available in due course) shows scenes from the detention facility, including a detainee’s room, the detainees’ common area, the lawyers’ meeting room, medical facilities, weight room and gym, the library, spiritual room and the educational and occupational therapy facilities."

  • ICTY Detention Unit
  • Video of ICTY Detention Unit (wmv file; 14mb)

International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR)

Daily Journal

Daily Case Minutes

Judicial Calendar

ICTR Newsletter (October 2006)Pdficon_small_131

Rukundo Trial Starts (15 November 2023)

From the ICTR: "The trial of Emmanuel Rukundo, former Military Chaplain in the Rwandan Armed Forces (FAR) in Ruhengeri Prefecture, began today in accordance with Article 15bis of the Statute in the absence of Judge Taghrid Hikmet before Trial Chamber II. The Chamber is composed of Judges Asoka de Silva, presiding, Taghrid Hikmet and Seon Ki Park. Rukundo was also the Military Chaplain in Kigali. He is charged with three counts of: genocide, crimes against humanity for murder, and crimes against humanity for extermination. He pleaded not guilty to all charges during his initial appearance of 26 September 2001. In the presence of the Prosecutor, Hassan Bubacar Jallow, Senior Trial Attorney William Egbe said in his opening statement that the Prosecution would establish Rukundo’s role in the 1994 events as openly extremist. He accused Rukundo of manifesting hatred for Tutsi in words and in actions. The Prosecution spoke of incidents at St. Joseph’s college in Kabgayi where the Tutsis would hide when they heard “the Priest was around”. This would be synonymous with the abduction and killing of the Tutsi. The Prosecutor accused Rukundo of being fully conscious of his power and authority and abusing it by promoting hatred, death and mass victimisation. The Prosecution spoke of Rukundo always being surrounded by armed soldiers and that he was always seen dressed in the military uniform. The Prosecution intends to call twenty-one factual witnesses and one investigator. The Prosecutor called its first witness today. Responding to the Prosecutor, the lead counsel for the Defence, Aïcha Conde challenged the allegations made in the opening statement and denied that Rukundo was an extremist. The Defence clarified that it was usual for all military chaplains to be armed and to wear the military uniform."

Latest Decisions:

The Special Court for Sierra Leone (SCSL)

Court Schedule

Court Summary, Week Ended 3 November 2023Pdficon_small_136

Case Developments & Resources:

The Civil Defence Forces (CDF) Accused

The Revolutionary United Front (RUF) Accused

The Armed Forces Revolutionary Council (ARFC) Accused

Prosecutor v. Charles Taylor

International Criminal Court (ICC)

Hearing Schedule

ICC Newsletter (November 2006)

Situations & Cases [All documents Pdficon_small_137 ]:

Situation in Dafur, Sudan

Situation in Central African Republic

Situation in Uganda

Situation in Democratic Republic of Congo

  1. The Prosecutor v. Thomas Lubanga Dyilo (Pre-Trial Phase):

International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS)

Pending Cases and current status



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