Recent Scholarship: This Week in International Law Scholarship
A weekly feature, This Week in Public International Law Scholarship highlights new and notable books and articles concerning public international law. For comments or suggestions, please contact [email protected].
Paul Schiff Berman, The Globalization of International Law
Vaughan Lowe, International Law
Stuart Maslen, Commentaries on Arms Control Treaties: The Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production, and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on their Destruction, Volume 1
Terry Nardin and Melissa S. Williams (eds.), Humanitarian Intervention
Steven Wheatley, Democracy, Minorities and International Law
Netherlands International Law Review,Volume 52, Issue 3, December 2005
- Michal Gondek, Extraterritorial Application of The European Convention on Human Rights: Territorial Focus in the Age of Globalization?
- Peter Hilpold, Reforming the United Nations: New Proposals in a Longlasting Endeavour
- Jackson Nyamuya Maogoto, The Military Ascent into Space: From Playground to Battleground: The New Uncertain Game in the Heavens
International Journal of Human Rights, Volume 10, Number 1, March 2006
- Murat Metin Hakki, War crimes and the war in Iraq: Can George W. Bush and Tony Blair be held legally responsible?
- Rachel Kerr, Prosecuting war crimes: Trials and tribulations
George Washington International Law Review Volume 38, Number 1, 2006
- Laura E. Little, Transnational Guidance in Terrorism Cases
- Emeka Duruigbo, Permanent Sovereignty and Peoples' Ownership of Natural Resources in
International Law Nordic Journal of International Law (Sweden), Volume 74, Numbers 3-4, 2005
- Andreas L. Paulus, Jus Cogens in a Time of Hegemony and Fragmentation An Attempt at a Re-appraisal Catherine Brolmann, Law-Making Treaties: Form and Function in International Law